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January 2, 2016

Hello and welcome to Killah Squad Bullies, our small  family  business  Award  winning of Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2013 in Ramnicu Valcea. Thank  you  for  visiting our  website.

Are you ready for an easier,  hassle free and peaceful way to keep your pet entertained and exercised whist you're at  work or possibly even if you have a busy schedule?  look no further as we provide exceptional care for all your four-legged loved ones with our services personalised to meet your individual needs.

Whether  it's  our  Exclusive  Home  Boarding,  Dog Walking,  Cat Care or a trip to the vet by our Pet Taxi, you can be sure to count on everyone here to provide your pets with love and reassurance when you can't be there, everyone at  Killah  Squad Bullies knows that your pet is a cherished member of your family and we care for all our  client's pets as if  they  were  your own, just the way you expect them to be.

Your pet's safety and your complete satisfaction with our service is our top priority, we walk dogs of  all  shapes  and  sizes and they are all catered for professionally and promptly, we can be there to collect your pets from your own home and  take them on a relaxing walk without the need to rush around dropping or collecting from a  kennel  or  cattery  giving  you  more time to yourself, family and to your pet.

The Dog Walker knows that dogs and cats have become an integral  and  important  part  of  our  client's  lives, with  many owners now required to work even longer hours or drive longer distances for their work there is an increasing demand  for our services, so we are only too pleased to be of help.

Killah Squad Bullies is proud to be the first and  lead-ing pet  care  service  provider  for Ramnicu Valcea and beyond since January 2013, we know that you and your pets deserve the best at all times and we can state that all of our teams are Fully Insured and always ready to take care of your pet.


If your primary language is Romanian, you can check the price list here: Click

If you wish to consult our price list in english, please contact our stuff members here: Click




First DOG WALKER Professional Services in Ramnicu Valcea

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