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LOTB ART FELLAS is  an  Independent Label patronized by Ciolac  Alexandru  Paul ( a.k.a.  Paul  /  Preafericitu' nv140).



"Land   Of   The   Banned    Art   Fellas"  was initially known as a non governmental organization fighting to protect the persons that were less likely hired  because  the employers were refusing the candidates with tattoos or piercings.  The  law  covers discrimination on the grounds of race,  color,  religion,  age,  nationality,  origin  and gender. The  one  exception  may be if you’re a Hindu with a nose ring, which could be a religious observation.

There is no law to protect the tattooed or  pierced  applicants for a job.


​​The nature of our interest to protect this particular type of art allowed us to  meet  a lot of interesting  people.Now  we  are  working  with  tattoo  artists,  body  piercers, airbrush  painters ,  musicians  and  photographers  from  Romania  and  from  all around the world. Our goal is to improve the relations between people that  shares a common interest for art.


Sometimes we are right, but we can also be wrong. Our own beliefs  are  reflected

in our art. The  tattooist,  the  body-piercer,  the  drummer, the  photographer  or  the painter... it makes no difference what group we're in. We are everyday people!



SHV Media  - new collab in web designing


Stay tuned for the collaboration between P a u l  L O T B A R T F E L L A S    and   S H V  M e d i a  - freelance  programmers, w e b   d e v e l o p e r s, designers, writers, data entry & more at a fraction of the cost on  Romania' s   Largest  Outsourcing Marketplace.                     - >

Our new Custom Paint Artist  -   VLAD IONESCU


It goes far beyond just the paint. You  will  receive timely  email  responses   and  progress  reports with  many  pictures.   The  finest  materials   and custom paint products on the  market,  which  are all included in your estimate.

- >       

Looking to collaborate with  FEMALE MODELS


Tattoo & Piercing models, lengerie, hats, clothes, nails, sunglasses, bikes, skate boards -  we  are giving you a chance to get your image on  Covers of  Magazines,  Sport  Articles,  T a t t o o  &  Body Piercing summits / Conventions  /  Presentations and professional photoshoots!

First DOG WALKER Professional Services in Ramnicu Valcea


A peaceful  way  to keep your  pet entertained and exercised whist you're at  work or possibly even if you have a busy schedule? Look no further as we provide  exceptiona care  for  all  your  four-legged loved ones with our services personalised to meet your individual needs.


4th   T A T T O O    F E S T    I A S I  - 12- 14 April 2014

                                                     - Hotel Moldova (Salon)


Following   the  well - deserved  success  of  the  first three editions, Tattoo Fest Iaşi is proud to come back in   2 0 1 4   with  fresh  new   strength,  well  -  known international  artists   and   artistic   competitions,   all entwined in a first class show.

The warm welcoming will be  hosted  by  the  famous Hotel Moldova(Salon) and promises an unforgettable weekend.




Daniel  Ilinca     -    Photography, High   End   Retouching,   Video Production,  N O W   -   available  for Workshops



Ana - Maria  Ilinca   -   Freelance Model,  Available   for  shootings (  Europe ) ,    Selective    T F C D (beauty  /  fashion)   -   Romania

"Restaurare Pictură / Mobilier"


Cristina  & Cristi Scărlătescu  -

Professional      Restoration   of  paintings, antique  furniture and art objects.


visit the Facebook Profile

"Uniformedia" &

             Daniel Drăghicescu

Uniformedia is the main provider

of  the  craziestand   the  freshest

funny videosaround the web.

Daniel is the creator of our Price Calculator for Tattoos.

Uniformedia's Profile on Youtube

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